In our previous article "Relationship of DNA with carriers of natural information and ancient symbols" we looked at the ancient symbols of natural information-Lion/Fire and CROWN/WATER-for a more detailed subsequent consideration of what happens to our DNA molecule in the images, symbols, signs on ancient frescoes, paintings, icons, bas-reliefs, etc.
Images and their connection
Our ancient ancestors thought in images, even in schools, they say, there was a similar subject where they taught reading and thinking in images, but then, of course, it was canceled so that no one would learn it and, accordingly, could not. So, we need to learn anew: look at pictures and think in images based on them. Of the 2 images, the third should turn out to be a mental image in the head. Many saints even hold two fingers for us on icons, paintings, frescoes to tell us the number of images, as on
Fig.01 Baptism of the Lord or in Fig.02 Icon of the Saints below, with images to think about.

Fig.01 Epiphany of the Lord
I hope that you have already understood that ancient icons, paintings, frescoes depict not people, but images and encrypted symbols that you do not need to look at and describe - in what dress they are or to whom they bow, but with which you need to think and imagine what is depicted in this picture, icon, fresco. And Jesus Christ -everywhere and everywhere - is not a person depicted, but an image of a photon of light in radiation (radiated light around the head), which goes to us in DNA (in the head in Fig.01) by radiation from the Sun / Moon (A ray from the Sun / Moon in Fig.01).
At the bottom of the same icon - Fig.01- 2 fish are depicted - the image of 2 DNA helices in electromagnetic radiation (gray background).
It is necessary to think in 2 images so that what you see on frescoes, icons, paintings are displayed in the 3rd image visually in your thoughts, dreams, and then back to you with information about it and later materialized. 02 on the right shows St. Nicholas the Wonderworker with a "raspaltsovka") into two images, and on the left is St. Spyridon of Trimifunt with images of natural information - Fire / Sun / Moon and Water.

Different people in ancient times depicted the image of DNA in different ways in their works: somewhere with flowers, somewhere with children - the flowers of life (Fig.04)., somewhere with a couple of women, and the Sumerians and our Pushkin depicted DNA in their works as fish and DNA scales (Fig.03)

Also, on some "coats of arms" (Fig.07) in ancient books, both flowers and 2 fish are depicted on one "coat of arms" at once, because these are all images of the same DNA molecule, which is depicted here in the form of two twisted chains above the "coat of arms", and to the right and left of the "coat of arms" (Fig.07) shows a figuratively approximate principle of an electrical switching circuit (diagram in Fig.09), according to which DNA works (red-fiery hanging brushes-images).
Figure 08 shows the Mother of God with a baby, in whose attire figuratively half in red symbolizes Fire/The sun, and the second half of the garment - blue color-symbolizes Water. The Virgin points to the red robe-Fire/The sun is an image of radiation through which DNA works according to the scheme of an electrical switching circuit, shown on the left in the image of a red-fiery-hanging fringe with tassels on the hat in the same Figure 08.

Fig.07 An old book with a "coat of arms" and DNA images

Fig.08 Image of the Virgin and Child

Fig.09 Electrical switching network

Since DNA is a microcrystalline liquid (Fig.12), i.e., a liquid crystal, it works like computers-on liquid crystals. In electrical networks, both-DNA and computers-work on the principle of parallel and serial connection of elements (from electrical engineering-schemes in Fig.13 and Fig.14-schemes for connecting brushes). In the case of DNA, the elements of the connection are brush images, which are mentally figuratively formed in a person's head and then electrically connected in space.

Fig.12 Micro crystallization of mixed saliva, type

Fig.13 Electrical diagram of a series connection of conductors

Fig.14 Electrical diagram of parallel connection of conductors

Figure 15 Micro crystallized Tree of life with DNA on its head was depicted in ancient frescoes on humans and animals
Place and Method of Immaculate Conception of DNA
The idea of the place and method of formation of our DNA led me to consider the painting "The Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary" in Fig. 16 and the painting with the same name in the title of the article with my presentation of images from the painting. In fact, it turns out that the DNA molecule is formed by solar radiation in the glands of the Virgin Mary (about salivary glands from anatomy and Wikipedia).
Wikipedia: Salivary glands(lat. glandulae salivariae) are glands in the mouth that secrete saliva.
The glands we are talking about, apparently, are salivary, with their saliva secret isolated (from anatomy), since we are talking about DNA. It is possible that we are also talking about the formation of DNA in the pineal gland, in general, in the head, where the sun Ray of radiation from the Sun-God the Father (the elder at the top of the picture) points to the Virgin Mary in Fig.16.
It turns out that the radiation of the Sun carries information for DNA to the glands and then stores it in the DNA in these very glands. This information comes with solar radiation for the existing 3 "fiery" DNA elements or for the formation of these 3 "fiery" elements in DNA, which I analyzed in the last article on the tablets of Isis (link at the beginning of this article). It seems that these 3 elements - copper, mercury and iron-are either already in our DNA and they are exposed to solar radiation for the purpose of some kind of transformation. Or these elements are initially formed in DNA saliva by solar radiation on a person for the same conception.
Rays emanating from the Sun are direct solar radiation/radiation; Reflected water radiation/radiation is radiation that is reflected by water or the earth's surface from the Moon.
Scattered solar radiation is formed when the light flux from the Sun is scattered.
The same thing with "water" elements from the same place (from the same article): lead, tin, silver are either already in our DNA and they are exposed to water "radiation" for the purpose of some kind of transformation. Or these elements are formed in DNA saliva by means of water "radiation" on a person for the same conception.

Fig.18 Lunar "radiation" - reflection of the Earth

Fig.19 Lunar "radiation"-reflection of Water- -Bull/Ox/Aries/Tur/Lamb at the slaughter
The fact that radiation has a negative effect on our DNA is told to us everywhere, but about the fact that there is also a positive effect of various radiations on DNA - it is silent. (Of course, radiation is different from radiation, but it is known that everything is poison and everything is medicine, only the dose matters.
Figure 16 shows the immaculate conception by the radiation of DNA saliva (Symbol-flowers:2 flowers above the columns) of a person with images and symbols, which occurs with the help of the image of God the Father - a gray-haired elder above the columns, which is the actual Sun. And also, the conception depicted occurs with the help of the image of the Holy Spirit - an Angel (in the picture in a pink dress and with wings), which is actually a photon of light from solar radiation in the image with a halo of light - an aura. From the actual Sun, a light ray is shown - a dove - an image of the solar radiation of light quanta that goes to the Virgin Mary and which carries information to her for DNA saliva (from anatomy), then stores it in DNA saliva. At the same time, DNA-saliva is already immaculately conceived with information in its glands, and subsequently, apparently, the stored DNA-saliva information is already used from there, if necessary, it seems that already at the real birth of a person.
It turns out that only part of the DNA genes we get from our parents and another part of the DNA we get in the information from nature (most likely the one that "scientists" call us "garbage").
p.s. everything that is considered in the article is the thoughts and fabrications of the author of the Owl and may not coincide with the thoughts of readers and owners of the site.